Jesi Selfie SELVA ingles (4)

The Many Uses of “GET” by MADEA! :)

Si el video arriba no funciona para ti, puedes buscar en YouTube “Madea Dr. Phil” y te aparece otros videos del mismo clip de la película. Encontré otro video, pero es de menor calidad:

Many students know that the word GET can be used in MANY different ways. Watch the above clip from the movie “Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail” to see how many uses of GET you can identify. Can you identify any? Leave you comment below.

For help visit the definitions of GET in DON’T try to learn all of the meanings of GET! Just know that it’s a VERY VERY common and useful little English word, but for the most part you can use other words instead of GET to get your meaning across (to explain what you want to say 😉 )

I hope the video clip makes you laugh and confuses you as much as it confused me! Yes, that’s right! I’m a native speaker but Dr. Phil and Madea’s conversation still got me!

If you enjoyed this comic relief please share it on Facebook and Twitter with your friends! Until next time!